Concept Sheet 1 – Planning + Moodboarding – World Map

Image result for cartography

For this project, I’m intent on designing and portraying the Map of the world I’m building. The practice of map making is known as ‘Cartography’, which has been used in the history of mankind to communicate information about our world, and the many mathematical and aesthetic techniques of cartography has been adapted into digital media and platforms of creative text.

CS1 Moodboard1.png
Moodboard – Examples of cartography across a range of creative platforms.

My approach to cartography will be to design the continent, biomes and faction territories in the world I’m building, and the first step I’ve taken is to ideate several silhouettes of the continent’s shape. To stimulate my design sense, I set myself with 3 individual ‘Design Specifications’ which tasks me to illustrate the continent in different ways, from there I will select and justify the iteration that satisfies my needs the most.

CS1 World Continent Silhouettes.png

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